Here are some ways how:
- Pay your tithe/offerings - Put the Lord first, and He will help you
- Learn how money works, and take an active role with your expenditures
- Learn self-discipline and self-restraint - This is critical! Know where your money is going and keep track!
- Create a debt elimination calendar - In debt? You can get out. Set up a payment plan, sacrifice your daily bon-bons or coffee or whatever and see what you can save
- USE A BUDGET - Direct your money and it cannot direct you
- Teach others about the importance of working and earning - You are helping others, and by teaching you are learning more.
- Teach kids in a way they understand - Tell the kids why they should save, or why they should wait to get that teddy from the toystore
- Make education a continued process - The more you know, the more you earn
- Work to earn your home - Homeowners get tax deductions, that'll save you a buck! And it is then an asset in your name. Even just working to equity makes a difference
- Have good insurance - Take care of yourself and your family, it's worth the cost
- Understand the influences that direct your finances and investments - Knowledge is power
- Prepare for the future - You never know what is going to happen, but we can be ready to face the future with our finances in order.
For more information, go to "One for the Money" by Marvin J Ashton or or watch some of these videos: