Monday, June 10, 2013

LoVe LoVe LoVe

Love, love, love. Everybody loves love. What is love? How do you know how you really feel about someone? Let's take a look!

There are four forms of love in the greek language. These types are: storge, philia, agape, and eros. Each have their own meaning: unconditional love (mother-child), great friendship (your bff Jill), christian love (fellowship or charity), and romantic love (grandma and grandpa!).

It is important to determine which kind of love you feel for someone. Love is a tricky thing, and is not always simple. Frank Sinatra said that "Love and marriage/ go together like a horse and carriage/ this I tell ya, brother, you can't have one without the other."

So what kind of love lasts the longest? Research shows that most relationships start out with a lot of passion, and after getting married, sharing your two lives, having kids, and growing old together, this passionate love tends to fade into a loving companionship. While some may think this is sad, I think there is a certain beauty to becoming so close. And studies also show that when couples make a point of spending alone time together, they have greater marital satisfaction. Everyone loves love, and love is one of the greatest things that will happen for a lifetime.


  1. ADDIE! Great job you are just to cute I love what Frank Sinatra had to say, and also your thoughts about how relationships transition over a period of time and how its not necessarily bad. When does this transition happen? Is it around the age of having children? Do you think as we adapt a new type of love as we become parents our love for our partner changes also?


    1. Maddie! Ok, so in answer to your question, the transition does start when the kiddo's are el born-o. We learned in class that you may start out as erotic love (crazy, passionate, head over heels love), and I think it does morph over time as the couple goes through life's stages together. This change is for the better. They become best friends or true companions, which actually mixes the different types of love- eros, philia, and maybe even storge. Love is a beautiful thing!!!
